- Break-Glass
- RESTful search using POST vs GET on #FHIR
- RelatedPerson Consent - how to record the #FHIR Consent that authorizes a #FHIR RelatedPerson
- Patient data embargo management
- Explaining #FHIR Consent examples
- API Security conference -- on #FHIR
- IHE Basic Audit Implementation Guide
- IHE conflicting Patient Identity Feed patterns
- Updates to IHE foundational #FHIR profiles MHD, PDQm, and PIXm
- #FHIR Basic AuditEvent for generic RESTful actions
- FHIR Document Digital Signatures
- FHIR data in existing Nationwide Health Information Exchange
- User Management on FHIR
- Healthcare use of Identity level of assurance
- Why use current Exchange infrastructure rather than starting over?
- Set of documents that are very focused #FHIR
- When is a document not a Document but still a document?
- Agile improvements toward #FHIR
- IHE whitepaper on Health Information Exchange models
- From Implementation-Guide to IHE-Connectathon
- Actual Consent is more important than more standards for Consent
- Sydney - HL7 FHIR Privacy and Security Tutorial
- FHIR Consent mapped with BPPC
- Scaling #FHIR authorization in a multiple organization HIE
- Controlled Exchange Architecture Models for Scale on #FHIR
- Nationwide Health Information Exchange on #FHIR
- FHIR Scaling to a Nation
- Treatment based interop is best publishing Documents
- Patient Engagement - Access Log
- Record Location on FHIR - aka Patient Identity Correlation
- IHE produces Profiles using FHIR R4 for core functionality
- Webinars on MHD and mXDE available from IHE
- Improving Document Exchange Response with Asynchronous FHIR API
- MHD as an API to XCA
- PDQm using FHIR Subscription as Async API to XCPD/XCA
- FHIR patient extensible data portability
- FHIR Consent Resource mapping to Kantara Consent Receipt
- Apple should have a HEART
- IHE PDQm and MHD - FHIR conformance resources
- Big audit entries
- Maturing FHIR Connectathon without confusing the marketplace
- Provenance vs AuditEvent - It is not a competition
- HIE Future is Bright - stepping into 2018
- HIE transitioning from Enterprise class API ==> FHIR API to Document Sharing
- Extra software/transaction details in FHIR AuditEvent / ATNA Audit Message
- #FHIR and Bulk De-Identification
- FHIR Connectathon of the IHE-MHD Profile
- Remedial FHIR Consent Enforcement
- FHIR Oauth scope proposal using FHIR query parameters pattern
- IHE ITI on FHIR 2017
- Reflecting FHIR FMM in IHE Profiles
- FHIR Security model is enterprise centric
- FHIR Connectathon has changed and it is good
- Tutorial on #FHIR #Security
- FHIR documents in XDS
- Is IUA (OAuth) useful in Service-to-Service http REST (#FHIR)?
- Extending the FHIR standard to handle provenance
- IHE #FHIR profiles - MHD, PDQm, and PIXm
- MHD - Why use of FHIR Contained?
- electronic Privacy Consent -- Patient choice
- Consent given to authorized representative
- FHIR Security and Privacy - tutorial outline
- Consent to grant read access to a specific types of FHIR Resources
- MHD in action -- XDS on FHIR
- Guidance on HTTP Access Denied
- Break-Glass on FHIR solution
- FHIR Oauth Scope
- HEART profiles for review, comment, and approval
- Building a MHD Client before MHD is DSTU2 aligned
- IHE updating FHIR Profiles to align with DSTU2
- Break-Glass on FHIR
- FHIR Security initiatives
- How to set the ConfidentialityCode
- FHIR does not need a deidentify=true parameter
- What is MHD beyond XDS-on-FHIR?
- MHD Connectathon Results
- FHIR Security: Do (Not) Worry
- FHIR Full Steam Ahead
- Define Atom -- Too many definitions in use today
- Healthcare access control scope constraints on OAuth tokens
- mHealth Identities using trusted intermediary
- getting to mHealth solutions - real People
- getting to mHealth solutions - Users
- Internet User Authorization: why and where
- Security Considerations: Healthcare RESTful Resource specifications
- Privacy and Security in Designing an mHealth Application
- mHealth Solution
- Security Considerations: Healthcare RESTful Resource specifications
- IHE efforts in RESTful security
- IHE mHealth Hackathon
- The Magic of FHIR – The HL7 movement toward REST resources, away from v3 and v2
- IHE Mobile access to Health Documents - Trial Implementation
My other Topics
- Security/Privacy Bloginar: IHE - Privacy and Security Profiles - Introduction
- Blockchain
- Privacy
- Patient Identity
- User Identity and Authentication
- Directories
- Access Control (including Consent Enforcement)
- Audit Control
- Secure Communications
- Signature - Digital, Electronic
- De-Identification, Anonymization, Pseudonymization
- Security/Privacy Risk Assessment/Management
- Document Sharing Management (Health Information Exchange - HIE)
- mHealth
- Other
FHIR page updated August 16, 2022
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