Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Webinar on Document Sharing HIE on FHIR

Webinar recording is available that covers the Document Sharing Health Information Exchange (HIE) on FHIR. 

Covering topics of:
  • Document Sharing (concept, XDS, XCA, MHDS)
  • FHIR access to Documents
  • MHD as API
  • Support profiles: IUA, PDQm, PIXm, mCDS, …
  • MHDS as a full FHIR stack solution
  • Support profiles also include PMIR, SVCM
  • Consuming Elements/Resources (mXDE + QEDm)
  • Add Provenance – to get back to source documents


This is available on the IHE YouTube channel  The slide deck with embedded recording is in the IT-Infrastructure github repo 

The content for this presentation are baked into the IHE Mobile Health Documents Sharing (MHDS) profile.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Patient Generated Health Data

Some background on what the broader government (HHS) under the office of the national coordinator (ONC) is saying about Patient Generated Health Data (PGHD). This is not a very mature definition yet, mostly because of wildly divergent abilities given to patients among the 6000 healthcare provider organizations in the USA. However the details outline here have held up well. This is what we wanted 5 years ago, it is still what we want. This includes the risks outlined 5 years ago, they are still risks today. The details on this page are mostly from January 2018.

The bad news is that we have not progressed as much as we thought we would have 5 years ago.

​The infographic is the most useful thing on this page. It covers the points quite nicely and clearly.