
Friday, August 20, 2010

Top O' the Week

Keith has shown me the blogspot beta tool that can be used by a blogger to see the statistics on their blog. I find that it gives somewhat radically different results than Google Analytics. The likely reason is that Google Analytics requires my readers to have JavaScript enabled, where as blogspot uses simple page hits. Given that my blog audience is sensitive to security and privacy topics, it is not too surprising that Google Analytics shows about %25 fewer hits than the blogspot tool. But the top hits from each tool is also different. Given that I have not posted anything in over a week, it is nice to see that I have any traffic at all.

The Top O' the Week according to blogspot results
  1. Meaningful Use Security Capabilities for Engineers...
  2. IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Suppleme...
  3. Healthcare use of Identity Federation
  4. Consumer Preferences and the Consumer
  5. Data Classification - a key vector enabling rich ...
The Top O' the Week according to Google Analytics
  1. IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Suppleme...
  2. Meaningful Use Security Capabilities for Engineers...
  3. Meaningful Use Security Capabilities Lacking, Privacy Capabilities NON-existent 
  4. Data Classification - a key vector enabling rich ...
  5. Healthcare use of Identity Federation
While in DC this week I heard a few people saying that my piece on Data Classification and the Redaction and Clinical Documentation has been the topic of discussions. I am very glad for this, as I fully want to get people discussing these ideas

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