
Monday, January 18, 2010

Top 10 posts of 2009

I noticed, only today, that Keith had posted his top 10 blog postings of 2009. Given that I have the same google analytics following my blog, I figured I would look at what it says.

The article that stands far ahead (seven times more hits than any other article) is my post this year, Meaningful Use clearly does not mean Secure Use.But this article was posted in 2010, so it doesn't qualify. Another top entry is the article Meaningful Use - Security Plan is also in the top 10, but doesn't qualify as it was posted in 2010.

Here is my top hitters starting with the most hit:
1. Observation on REST vs SOAP Which is really a rant about the non-transparency of rule-making
2. Federated ID is not a universal ID
3. Consumer Preferences and the Consumer
4. HITSP August 2009 face-to-face -- Security, Privacy and Infrastructure
5. Double Standard?
6. What has HITSP done to protect confidentiality with a suite of implementable security standards
7. Current Security and Privacy developments
8. Kerberos required in 2011 then forbidden in 2013
9. Web-Services RESTful vs SOAP
10. ATNA and Accounting of Disclosures

I am not going to give the statistics on these pages as they are such low numbers... I do thank everyone that does read, comment, or just send me supportive emails.

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